I possess an unquenchable desire to learn and an aptitude to do so quickly. Everything intrigues me. I enjoy learning all I can about a subject: what something is, how it works, and why it works one way rather than another.
At Olo, I shifted from the Azure world to AWS, but still did a lot of Terraform and K8s.
At Driveway I built things with Terraform, Azure DevOps pipelines, Kubernetes, Helm, and a little ArgoCD. I helped move stuff from nginx ingress to Instio Service Mesh.
I did most everything that I did in my previous position at Viewpoint, but my work in this role was more focused on CICD pipelines and general DevOps-related stuff. My big win in 2020 was massive cost savings accross all our environments (dev to prod) and taking our release-process for our main SaaS product "Team" from a 6+ hour process (35 microservices) to under 90 minutes.
The title Cloud Operations Engineer only encompasses a portion of what I did in this role. I worked on build and release pipelines a lot, wrote a ton of PowerShell code following test-driven design and DevOps principals, and maintained infrastructure as code using ARM templates Azure, AWS, other cloud service providers, and (occasionally) on-premesis solutions.
The portolio above contrains write-ups of assignments from Software Engineering I, II & III.
The repo for my practice class project and our team project is listed above. Our project won Best Overall and Best Design for our class.
As part of the final two terms, we also created (are creating) an individual project. My repository for that is listed above.
As a writing consultant, I got to work with student writers of all disciplines in all aspects of writing for academia. We crafted writers, not just their writing. I got to explore a wide variety of topics and helped people to express their ideas better. I loved it!
I ran a small Wedding and Events DJ business. As the owner and manager, I oversaw the business finances and publicity, scheduling, correspondence and communication with clients via email and in person, and did website design and maintenance.
As a DJ and MC, I ran live sound for events and musicians, cooperated with vendors, maintained event timelines, coordinated events, and communicated with guests.
As an Intern, I consolidated technical documentation and maintained Nagios checks on Linux servers. I spent significant time learning about Big Data and other courses on Linda.com while I was there.
The Slack PowerShell module (formally called PSlickPSlack) is an open-source project I started to help me with my PowerShell Slack application. It is tested with Pester, and has a CI-CD pipeline on AppVeyor to publish it to the PowerShell Gallery.
I no longer have a need for this, and have not spent anytime on the project for awhile.
VORM is a powershell module I built as a relase orchestration tool to help with our SaaS products monthly release. Team is currently composed of about 35 microservices, and usually 25 or so are updated each month. This tool is built on top of the Azure DevOps APIs and utilizes the Azure CLI to incorporate many of the SaaS product's unique characteristics ("this service should go before this one", etc.) and idiosyncrasies.
I love spending time with my wife and three daughters! During the pandemic, my kids and I have amassed quite the collection of LEGO.
I oscillate between being an avid runner and a former runner. I ran track and XC all through highschool and during my first stint at WOU. I've attempted several times to get back into running, but after competing for so many years, it's hard to run casually, and I don't currently have space in my life for that level of dedication (but I wouldn't have it any other way!)
If you're really interested, you can look at my running on
I'm attempting to run every street and trail in Portland, Oregon. Check out my progress on CityStrides.
I love reading (I do have a degree in it, after all). I like fiction in particular. Its a more honest look at life, because it tells you upfront that its having you look through a lense to view the world, but I do read almost anything I can get my hands on.
Again, if you're interested, here is what I'm currently reading: