Michael G. Brown

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Portfolio Home - CS 460

Software Engineering I

  1. Homework 1: Git, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.
  2. Homework 2: Branch, Merge, Javascript, jQuery, and DOM.
  3. Homework 3: Visual Studio, C#, Git
  4. Homework 4: MVC App #1, GET, POST, Model Binding
  5. Homework 5: MVC App #2, Local Database
  6. Homework 6: MVC App #3, Pre-Existing Database
  7. Homework 7: MVC APP #4, Giphy API, JSON
  8. Homework 8: MVC APP #5a, Multi-Table Relational Database
  9. Homework 9: MVC APP #5b, Cloud Deployment


The code for all of these homework assignments can be found here.