Software Engineering II
While in CS 460 we were required to make a portfolio, for CS 461 and CS 462 were are not, so if this doesn’t seem finished, its because
I’m spending more of my time on the project, rather than blogging about it.
- Milestone 1: Team Establishment, Project Brainstorming
- Milestone 2: Class Project Inception, Team Project Ideas Refining, Practice Git Workflow
- Milestone 3: Product Backlog, Backlog Grooming, Scrum Agile, Team Project Inception, Individual Project Ideas
- Milestone 4: Class Project Iteration, Team Project Inception, Individual Project Basis
- Milestone 5: Class Project Retrospective, Team Project Inception and Initial Construction
Individual Project
- Milestone 6: Individual Project Inception I
- Sprint 1:
Team Project
- Sprint 1:
- Sprint 2:
The code for the Milestones and the Team project can be found here. My individual project repo is here.