Michael G. Brown

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Portfolio Home - CS 460 - Homework 9

MVC APP #5b | Cloud Deployment

Official Requirements

Step 1: Start with Homework 8.


Step 2: Create Remote Database

After creating my account on Azure, I created the database.

New Account

New Remote Database

I connected to the databse in Microsoft SQL Management Studio and used my up.sql script to see the database.

Up Script

Then I tested it to see that it worked.

Test Query

Step 3: Deploy Web App

Now I published my hw8 to Azure.


Once it finally deployed, I got the connection string, forgot to edit my username and password, fixed that, and it worked!

Connection String

Deployed Application

Step 4: Microsoft Azure Account

This step should probably be the first step, as its impossible to do steps 2 and 3 before creating an account. :)

Step 5: Screenshots, Portfolio.

Got it.