For Milestone 1, the main goal was getting into our assigned groups and figuring out communication.
We tossed around a lot of ideas. Currently, our team name is et progressus, which is latin for “development of…” Our motto is “Continuous Learning.”
Here is a picture of our logo & letterhead:
Here is the final logo and team name. This better reflects the product we are actually building.
We chose all this because we were originally thinking we were going to build a study aide application, but we may be changing this soon since we are most likely going a different direction with our project.
For this task, our group had to create new resumes that all had the same look and feel and met specific requirements. I would include a picture of these, but some of it is personal information and if you want to see my resume, go to my website.
Our professor wanted hard copies of our work to go over when we met once a week.
Our task was to figure out at least 5 hours during the week when we could meet. I used to figure out the mutual openings in our class and works schedules and made a chart in Google Sheets.
I created a Slack team and invited my team members and professor.
We chose one member of our team to be the main repo owner and he set it up on Bitbucket. We started practing the Git Forking Workflow.
For this task we needed to come up with three project ideas and write a sentence about each one. Here are our ideas:
A study aide for people that would incorporate an AI API to use a chatbot to quiz them and flashcards which would use an algorithm to determine how often a card appears based on user feedback.
A tool for managing an agile work environment by creating tasks and assigning them to developers. The tool would utilize and social media and possibly a Git API to manage users and git workflows.
A word processor and text editor for writers that uses algorthimic and some AI API to correct spelling, grammar, syntax, make suggestions for word choice, etc.